Options For Animals

Options for Animals Offers $60,000.00 a Year in Scholarships

Scholarships - Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic - Kansas

Promoting Animal Chiropractic

“I would love to take the course now, but my student loans are already crazy. Is there anything you can do to help me with my tuition?”
-Prospective Student

Our primary goal is to provide the community with the highest quality, best educated and most dedicated animal chiropractors in the world. We know that some chiropractors and veterinarians need a little help and through our scholarship program we can support as many as 35 doctors a year in reaching their goals of becoming the best Animal Chiropractor they can be.

Our scholarship program is directed to aid the new doctor, and those that can influence the new doctor, in attaining a footing in the study of Animal Chiropractic.

For the veterinary student, we believe this combination of study, chiropractic and modern western medicine, better prepares the contemporary doctor in pursuing more choices for their patients through integrative health care.

Why Choose Options for Animals?

  • Oldest and Most Experienced
  • Flexible Schedules
  • Large Classrooms
  • 6 to 1 Ratio Lab Groups
  • Animals On Site
  • Most Extensive Notes
  • Plus much more

Why Anywhere Else?

For the chiropractic student, we believe treating animals can truly complete the family practice. Even many human chiropractic patients do not realize the availability of chiropractic for their animal companions.

For faculty, residents and interns, we see a great need in promoting animal chiropractic in academia and initiating research.

There are currently three categories of scholarships offered:

    1: Essentials in Animal Chiropractic Course Scholarships for Current Students of Colleges of Chiropractic or Veterinary Medicine
    2: Essentials in Animal Chiropractic Course Scholarships for Faculty, Residents or Graduate Students of Colleges of Chiropractic or Veterinary Medicine
    3: Continuing Education Course (CE/CPD) Scholarships for Animal Chiropractors


Student applicants must be in their last 6 months of either chiropractic or veterinary college before they can attend the Essential Animal Chiropractic course.

Faculty Member, Resident or Graduate Student applicants must be currently employed by or enrolled in a College of Chiropractic or Veterinary Medicine.

Animal Chiropractors must be graduates of an IVCA or AVCA approved school.

“Thanks Options. You have changed my life. Practice is fun again”

-Recent Graduate

Scholarship Rules

      1. Scholarship winners will be selected on the following evaluation criteria.
        The deadline for all scholarship paperwork is due by mail no later than 60 days from the start of the Essential Animal Chiropractic course you are registered to attend. Any paperwork after the deadline will not be considered
        • Eligibility as described through out this application.
        • The applicant’s vision of animal chiropractic as described in their essays.
        • The applicant’s need for the scholarship as seen by others and examined through the letter of recommendation.

      2. All scholarship candidates will be notified of the winners within 10 days after the deadline dates. The final list of winners will be posted on our website.
      3. Scholarships will be awarded toward tuition at Options for Animals College of Animal Chiropractic. Applicants must complete a registration form, including the registration fee, for the class they wish to attend.

Scholarship Awards

Six (6) scholarships are available for each Essentials in Animal Chiropractic Course and two (2) scholarships are available for each CE/CPD Course.
Essentials in Animal Chiropractic Course:

  • One (1) $3,250.00 award for a Current Student of a College of Chiropractic or Veterinary Medicine.
  • Three (3) $2,000.00 awards for a Current Students of Colleges of Chiropractic or Veterinary Medicine.
  • One (1) $3,250.00 award for a Faculty Member, Residents or Graduate Students of a College of Chiropractic or Veterinary Medicine.
  • One (1) $2,000.00 award for a Faculty Member, Residents or Graduate Students of a College of Chiropractic or Veterinary Medicine.

Continuing Education Course (CE/CPD):

  • Two (2) $100.00 awards for Current Animal Chiropractors.

How to Apply

1) Obtain and complete a Scholarship Application.
Click here to download and print the application.

2) Write a letter of intent describing why you want to become an animal chiropractor, why you feel you warrant a scholarship, and how you see yourself advancing animal chiropractic in the future. (All winners give Options for Animals the right to publish your name and excerpts from your essays.)

3) Obtain a letter of recommendation from a person of your choice. Tell us why you chose that person.

4) Faculty, residents and grad students please submit a curriculum vitae (CV).

5) Mail(must be postmarked by deadline) the Scholarship Application, your essay (letter of intent), your recommendation letter, a copy of your school Identification or completion certificate/diploma, and a photo to: Options for Animals Scholarships PO Box 3682, Cartersville, GA 30120

Watch the Deadlines for Application

Contact Us
Give us a call for more information about any of our courses, services and products

Mailing Address:
PO Box 3682
Cartersville, GA 30120

Phone: (309) 658-2920

Email: info@options

Main Campus:
4267 Virginia Rd.
Wellsville, KS

The deadlines for these scholarships are 60 days before the start dates of each set of modules for the Essentials in Animal Chiropractic Courses and 60 days before the start dates of each CE/CPD Course.

Download the Scholarship Application

Click here to download and print the application. If you do not have AdobeReader® installed on your computer, Click Here to download

Scholarship award distribution

When the scholarships are awarded, the distribution will be applied as follows:

  • $3,250.00 award winners will receive $1,500.00 toward module 5 (Integrated), $1,000.00 toward module 4 (Extremity) and $750.00 toward module 3 (Cervical).
  • $2,000.00 award winners will receive $1,250.00 toward module 5 (Integrated) and $750.00 toward module 4 (Extremity).
  • $100.00 award winners will receive $100.00 toward the tuition of the course they applied for.

Create Your Own Scholarship

If you would like to donate to our scholarship fund, or create and start a scholarship a special scholarship of your own, please contact us.

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