Our graduates tell us that there are many reasons they chose to attend our program and become an Animal Chiropractor. Some of these highly individual reasons include a personal calling, to have more tools to help their clients and their beloved animals and to increase their income. If you are searching to see if this is the right opportunity for you, take the time to see what is happening today.
Small Animals Industry: “People are no longer satisfied to reward their pet in pet terms,” says Bob Vetere, president of the American Pet Products Manufacturers Assn. (APPMA). People love their pets and are willing to spend the necessary funds to keep their animals and pets healthy and happy. Cultural attitudes toward owning pets mean that domestic animals are viewed more and more as members of the family. Pet care spending was affected little by the economic recession! Owners cut corners elsewhere rather than reducing their pet care budgets. In a recent American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) survey, about 21% of pet owners reported using any form of holistic veterinary methods for their pet and that number will keep rising as families adopt organic and holistic lifestyles. That translates to over 15 million households adopting holistic care as part of animal care based on that survey. (Read More) In 2012, Pet Industry Expenditures were $54.3 billion dollars. Of that, $14.2 billion was spent on Animal Care and $12.65 billion was spent on Supplies and Medicine. Pet expenditures were more than the gross domestic product of all but 64 countries in the world. That’s double the amount shelled out on pets a decade ago. That puts the yearly cost of buying, feeding, and caring for pets in excess of what Americans spend on the movies ($10.8 billion), playing video games ($11.6 billion), and listening to recorded music ($10.6 billion) combined. 72.9 million US households report having at least one pet. 46.3 million own dogs, and 38.9 million own cats. This represents 78.2 million owned dogs and 86.4 million owned cats. After consumer electronics, pet care is the fastest-growing category in retail, expanding about 6% a year. Equine Industry: According to the Horse Channel.com, 2 million people own horses in the US. They use the 9.2 million horses used for a wide variety of activities such as Showing – 2,718,954 horses, Recreation – 3,906,923 horses and Racing – 844, 531 horses. Performance is clearly a top priority for most of these horses!
Who are these horse owners?It is important to know your customers to connect with them! The general trend of the equine culture is to be outdoors. Equestrians drink lots of thirst quenchers, wear weather-driven and/or athletic clothing and eat on the run i.e. nutritional bars, fruit and fast foods. They tend to be on the road, use cell phones and stay at hotels. They cover a possibility of three or more generations, ranging from six years to sixty-six years of age. In terms of income, approximately, 46% of horse owners have an annual income of between $25,000 and $75,000 and 28% over $100,000. According to the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), the median income for horse owning households is $60,000 per year. Source: thehorsechannel.com Horse owners often affiliate with a certain activity or sport. Some trail ride, run barrels, work cattle, drive, jump or dance. Consider connecting with and servicing a specific discipline like Dressage! For example, here is what the United States Dressage Federation says about its members: “USDF members are characterized by loyalty to dressage and their horses. The federation currently has more than 35,000 members:
- 90% are adults
- 96% are female
- 66% are over the age of 41 years of age
- 96% own at least one horse
- 87% compete at least one horse
- 37% own at least five acres of land
- 70% have an income of $75,000 and above
Competitive Dressage Horses have high insured values and are a large investment. A long-term relationship develops between horse and rider. They compete on average for 10 years with peak horse performance at 12 years of age. There has been a 92% increase in horses competing at USDF recognized shows.” Source: usdf.org Once again, performance is a top priority for these horse owners. Besides dressage, there are many other competitive disciplines practiced by serious owners across the country to explore. So what does this all mean? ¨ An abundance of new, caring and financially capable clients and patients to help ¨ The potential to increase revenue and profits ¨ A unique niche that sets your practice apart ¨ A new career path that only takes 5 weeks to complete ¨ An opportunity that fits your personal goals and personal growth Contact Options for Animals today to get started….