Options For Animals

Imprint Equine Foot Care / Equine Orthopaedics

18 November – 19 November 12 hours CPD, Dean Bland & Phil Dyson (Equine Vet)

Dean came and lectured for us at the 2015 BVCA conference regarding the use of plastics for hoof repair as well as plastic shoes. He is back by popular demand discussing the theory of heat molding and also taking a practical workshop with hands on opportunities to learn.

Dean Bland is a Farrier and an Educator. As a Farrier he works with horses with specific needs: competition horses and horses with conformational and lameness issues. As an Educator he runs the consultancy company Well Equine providing educational services for equine organisations and companies, helping them improve welfare and performance around the world. Dean has been involved with Imprint Shoes for over 10 years, working along side founding owner Andrew Poynton FWCF to provide training and support. At the heart of the Imprint solution is the low melt thermoplastic. A plastic specifically developed by Andrew to emulate hoof in strength and flexibility. Offering opportunities for welfare and performance through light weight, flexible hoof prosthetics.

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