Options For Animals

Functional Neurology & Advanced Technique

John Fossey DC & Sam Kingdon DC

21 October – 22 October 12 hours CPD, John Fossey: An introduction to functional neurology for the animal chiropractor

John Fossey qualified as a physiotherapist in 1984 and worked in professional sports until retraining as a chiropractor in 2005. He has always had a keen interest in neurology and it’s application as part of being a chiropractor. John is set to complete his Carrick Institute training in 2017. His motivation for taking this course was to further improve his teaching in order to make neurology fun and enjoyable to learn for all.

John splits his time 50/50 in practice working with both human and animals.

Sam Kingdon: Alternative / advanced equine techniques
The importance of equine dentistry to aid the animal chiropractor

Sam graduated from the Welsh Institute of Chiropractic in 2003 and has worked in private practice since. Sam completed her Essentials and Advanced certification requirements at Options for Animals, Kansas.

As part of advanced training Sam has devised some key strategies and techniques for making equine treatment more effective and successful even in complex situations.

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